Thursday, June 29, 2006

let it burn!

all I have is my skateboard, and my guitar

I don't need anyone else to keep me happy, the things I cherish will never let me down

I quit my job
and I never felt so happy
I wish I could have said more, but I didn't want to sit there and argue with someone who just isn't worth the time

my tattoo healed pretty bad, I'm very disappointed with that, I have to wait for the guy to get back from mexico... shitty

I got a dud number from the girl

at least she was nice enough to say no in that way

I hate trying, I gave up a long time ago, dont' know why I came back to that

I can't sleep, today when I was trying to sleep I hit myself on the eye, a full fist! what the hell is wrong with me, I have done that twice now, I'm half asleep, then I punch my eye
I have fucked up sleeping patterns

anyways I have a huge long weekend, I don't start work till the 5th of july, I have to go get my bike, I will bike to work, seems great! good exercise, I will also start eating a can of tuna every day, my body needs to cosume more protiens, more protiens more muscle! yay

and I'm not going on tour with this band, I decided that my financial status is in no way of leaving a new job
it's hard enough to find a job, so I'm not going through that again (finding a new job)
time for hospital today
and skateboarding maybe

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

things are good, looking much better then they were before

I went skating the other day didn't really do much
kinda stayed off the hard tricks didn't want to land on my broken busted ass elbow

Ihave yet to see the doctor

however I did go out and ask this girl I kept procrastinating about, she gave me her number but said she had a boyfriend, I guess it's off to a good friendship...?
who knows
I felt a little stupid about asking her to hang out even though she's got a boyfriend

other then that things are good

I've been very lazy about drawing
I have been an asshole, I promised a friend i'd draw them some crowns
but I have yet to even start....
so thursday I'm gonna finish them hopefully I can finish it or even get a heads start

stoked on the hiptop3/sidekick3

on with the pictures

Sunday, June 25, 2006

I've been watching this episode a lot
it's soo funny

yeah it's old news so fucking what

Thursday, June 22, 2006

brings back a lot of memories
good times I had with people, I no longer care for anymore


yeah I don't know I'm a little bit upset, I hate the phases that I am recieving
I have an idea of what's going on, I can sense it, I'm prob right about what's going on anways, it's gonna hurt so I'm prepared for this

I quit my job, I wrote up my resignation letter, I've never been so happy, those fuckers haven't heard the last of me though.

I have a dilema though, I got asked to go on tour
and for that I have to pick job or tour... pretty tough choice I need one and I love the other
I may get away with it though cause I have settled on this other job now it's up to them if they want to keep me or not, I have to call them back before I leave for tour
we'll see how things go

I'm happy and a bit upset though

I went to see unearth the other day it was pretty good
I was quite the goofball though

sometimes we play stupid games
like throwing golf balls at our nuts

time to sleep though I I have one more week and few days to go
I'm not showing up on my last day and I'm going to demand my money for the satelite reciever that this asshole boss of mine took away from me

yeah she's a dove, she's a fucking nighmare

Saturday, June 17, 2006

this made me laugh soooo hard wow

Thursday, June 15, 2006

this is the second month I'm on this stuff
results are great
my diet has to change though I got a diet plan
I am probably not getting or consuming a lot of calories
I have to focus more on my diet, these products work, but the diet is what determines the out come
with that said I'm excited to work out again
I have 2 pack heheh 8 here I come, took me about a year to get this far and I'm not stopping anytime soon

one step at a time

the extent of some people
this person is to be admired
hmm well admired may be a bit too much
but defintaly someone to look up to, cause not many people would persue something like this, takes courage to stand up to a lot of people

stolen sidekick

I'm going to stop talking about tattoos, seems like a lot of people talk about this, and it's getting big I mean I see so many people getting them done, when I was young it was a big deal to me, sort of a rebelious thing to do, now I see it as something to look back on, things that mean the world to me, it's more personal then something to flash around. I love art and art is can tell stories that will last a lifetime, not sure if you understand what I'm saying
I don't want to be that kid that flashes his tattoos for credibilty, one-up, or show off, so I'm not gonna sit here and show you or tell you what I'm getting. and I'm done with that, they are my stories to remind me of good and bad times I have in my life these stories will last a life time I will look back and think wow this reminded me of the time... or this means so much to me I'm glad I can look at it and think..., and someday I will share these stories with the ones I love.

Work well work has hit an all time low
if I hear an argument from work I'm calling it quits so let's wait for an update and a story so far things aren't looking good

I'm excited for school, and school oh boy I will stick this to the bitter end
I may start janurary 2007
things look good, I just have one obstacle to overcome and I'm there

for now I need rest and relax from the stress I've been having

Monday, June 12, 2006

I can't help but think that all this wonderful stuff will come to a halt, as my life has it's ups and downs, trust me most of them are downs, because happyness in my life is short lived. By that I mean if something great goes right, something bad has to happen, great, for every action there is a reaction, for every wonderful thing there is a horrible outcome.... I don't know if I want to call this karma or not
I hope things go great after this departure of my job, I no longer get angry at my job, I no longer get angry at the person that confuses part of my life because I have something to look forward to, I see it as this, the hardest part is near, I've worked so hard to accomplish something... it will pay in the end, at least I hope so.

I wonder what will happen when I get there, I know I will do or say something crazy
see to me when I see something I want I have to have it no matter what obstacle I will sacrafice anything to have something I'm really destined
when I come back I will be a glorious man or a defeated soldier.

I have 3 job interviews this week
I will start to save my money, I need 1600, a flight to happyness

I may start school in jan instead

Saturday, June 10, 2006

a poverty driven country
and that's where I was born
it's sad to hear about this
my cusin is down there he's going to take a picture of my old house, I hope it brings back good memories instead of bad

driving down the highway makes me think of someone, the good laughs we have, they never end it's great I enjoy talking to my friend she's amazing we feed off each other's good vibe I love it

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

things I'm really stoked on

in no particular order




I hear that invader zim is coming back on the air...
don't ask me for source but Iwas watching satelite and I saw this...


i have busted my elbow once again, skateboarding
great I have to seek hospital now cause I have damaged it worse then it already is
but I did have a great session with friends....
surgery here I come

My ipod shuffle died the other day, I never knew this thing was a big part of my life, Imean everytime I leave to go to work it's with me, when I work out it's with me, and now that it passed away, I have nothing to listen to, so I'm looking to buy a new one
hopefully an ipod the size of a 4gig or 20...
ebay here I come....
so long shuffle, you will be missed

damn arto almost died
I remember this video a long time ago
crazy, just crazy watch the first part of the video

Sunday, June 04, 2006

well today was ok, a very long day at work I didn't go to the gym, just went home relaxed for a bit then went out skating
we headed to this place where these benches are made out of some composite plastic material, it's weird, they are very slick to grind and do tricks on, no wax at all, but they were chained up so we had to find a way to bust these locks, we tried to be slick and use paper clips, what the fuck were we thinking, we don't know shit about this haha, so what better tool to use, then an earth made rock, oh the rock, what a useful tool, a few neanderthal blows to the lock and it proped open

and there you have it, vandalism...
but that's how you break open a lock if you have nothing else but a rock...
so we skated this bench for a bit

I forgot to mention I ripped my jeans
busted my broken elbow
and fell a couple of times
23 years old and I'm still acting like I'm 16
I wish I was still younger, pain seemed to go away faster

anyways on with the show

good times with good friends, it's been a while since something like this happened, just random stupid skateboard sessions
I love it, but i'm getting too old to fall

it's been 8 years, since I've known these guys
wow, that's the longest friendship I've held together ever...
the more I think about time going by the more I think about stupid things like if I'll ever get married, I need to find a quality job meaning I have to go back to school and do something with my life, I finally acquired a very important piece of legal paper that took me so long, I prolonged it for wow years because I was lazy, that sort of shit has got to stop.

The girl situation isn't getting any better, but I met someone the other day, I didn't really persue anything, next time I meet her I'll ask her to do something, maybe she'll be interested who knows
either way I gotta step it up at a few things

anyways today was a great day to hang out with friends, but I'm soo tired
I just want to lay on my bed and never wake up