Sunday, June 04, 2006

well today was ok, a very long day at work I didn't go to the gym, just went home relaxed for a bit then went out skating
we headed to this place where these benches are made out of some composite plastic material, it's weird, they are very slick to grind and do tricks on, no wax at all, but they were chained up so we had to find a way to bust these locks, we tried to be slick and use paper clips, what the fuck were we thinking, we don't know shit about this haha, so what better tool to use, then an earth made rock, oh the rock, what a useful tool, a few neanderthal blows to the lock and it proped open

and there you have it, vandalism...
but that's how you break open a lock if you have nothing else but a rock...
so we skated this bench for a bit

I forgot to mention I ripped my jeans
busted my broken elbow
and fell a couple of times
23 years old and I'm still acting like I'm 16
I wish I was still younger, pain seemed to go away faster

anyways on with the show

good times with good friends, it's been a while since something like this happened, just random stupid skateboard sessions
I love it, but i'm getting too old to fall

it's been 8 years, since I've known these guys
wow, that's the longest friendship I've held together ever...
the more I think about time going by the more I think about stupid things like if I'll ever get married, I need to find a quality job meaning I have to go back to school and do something with my life, I finally acquired a very important piece of legal paper that took me so long, I prolonged it for wow years because I was lazy, that sort of shit has got to stop.

The girl situation isn't getting any better, but I met someone the other day, I didn't really persue anything, next time I meet her I'll ask her to do something, maybe she'll be interested who knows
either way I gotta step it up at a few things

anyways today was a great day to hang out with friends, but I'm soo tired
I just want to lay on my bed and never wake up

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