Friday, January 19, 2007


bass streak

I won this bad boy soooo stoked, in reality I don't need this, it's one of those things you want but you don't really need so I guess I have what I wanted for a while hA

Thursday, January 18, 2007

awww look I own an sansamp!
I'm in love she's gonna sound sooooooo good I can't wait

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

so all this photo shit is pretty much taking up most of my blog

and if anyone cares to know about my life here's some stuff that's been going on

I'm planning on buying a car, I figure it's about time now, I hate taking the bus and I hate relying on people so I'm gonna get me a shitty car for now

I've been going to the gym consitently except for christmas time that shit hectic, so now I'm doing my daily protien shake routine

friends have been dimished to hmm prob none now, I'm basically on my own don't know what happened there

I'm excited to get my sansamp

prob the only thing giving me a boner right now, this shit's gonna be off the hook!!!!

on top of that I'm getting a bass limiter stomp box should be getting the sound I want without too much hmm "UMPH"

next month is my birthday and all I want is to be happy, I mean I am happy but I'm missing something and I want the piece of the puzzle to be completed

I guess as that's about it so far I have no ambitions to do anything right now

over and out

Friday, January 05, 2007

night time photography