Thursday, June 29, 2006

all I have is my skateboard, and my guitar

I don't need anyone else to keep me happy, the things I cherish will never let me down

I quit my job
and I never felt so happy
I wish I could have said more, but I didn't want to sit there and argue with someone who just isn't worth the time

my tattoo healed pretty bad, I'm very disappointed with that, I have to wait for the guy to get back from mexico... shitty

I got a dud number from the girl

at least she was nice enough to say no in that way

I hate trying, I gave up a long time ago, dont' know why I came back to that

I can't sleep, today when I was trying to sleep I hit myself on the eye, a full fist! what the hell is wrong with me, I have done that twice now, I'm half asleep, then I punch my eye
I have fucked up sleeping patterns

anyways I have a huge long weekend, I don't start work till the 5th of july, I have to go get my bike, I will bike to work, seems great! good exercise, I will also start eating a can of tuna every day, my body needs to cosume more protiens, more protiens more muscle! yay

and I'm not going on tour with this band, I decided that my financial status is in no way of leaving a new job
it's hard enough to find a job, so I'm not going through that again (finding a new job)
time for hospital today
and skateboarding maybe

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