Friday, April 28, 2006

well guys I'm off to london
I shall be back on monday with great news and pictures
after all the stress I hope it's all worth it
I won't get to see the one I love
but I will give her my gifts through her friends

before I go though there's one thing I have to say
Ashley Byrd happy birthday girl, pretty little angel I hope you enjoy you 23rd birthday with nothing but happyness
I wish I were there to wish you the best one what a pretty smile

oh and I bought this ready to pump it up! n02 yeargh!

and I bought this book to entertain me on the way to london, the colors are amazing and that's why I bought it

anyways wish me luck and I'll bring back a crap load of pictures

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

so here is the last 2 pieces of the puzzle
it's one of the biggest pieces that I had to do, seems like a lot is going on, I hope it's not too much 5 frames of one piece... :well I hope jay likes it
I'm put all my effort
andit seems like I do a good job of pulling things off the way I want them to, I love art I may not be a prodigy, I may not be the best, but I can definately do a pleasent job, takes years to get to where I want to be, but at least I'm trying, this will be the second painting I've sold, and I'm pretty excited about it, hardest part is picking a frame that will suite the colors and the theme
anyways, these paintings aren't done, I still have background to put on, which will take a few minutes
hope all goes well
Trip is nearing, I'm nervous, I have to wash my clothes and prepare my stuff tomorrow.
I have a job interview tomorrow, don't know what to expect, prob not much it's a wharehouse job... hope it pays well enough

psst a closer inspection

Sunday, April 23, 2006

So basically this is how it's going to look I do'nt know what to think... I hope it turns out good...
I like it spider webs are neat. Despite this somewhat crappy weekend (not doing much on saturday, I stayed in all day) and today I just didn't have a good skate session, I bailed soo many times my body can't handle falling like this anymore, coming home to paint made it better. I was supposed to jam on saturday with these guys, but they seem so unorganized I don't even think I want to do it, music isn't my thing anymore.
I have a few more days until I leave for london, I'm excited, before I leave I'd like to hang out with some people hope that works out. And before I leave I'd like to apply to as many jobs as I can.
Wish me luck!

And post a comment regarding my painting, good or bad I don't care

Saturday, April 22, 2006

wow deals deals deals!

I went on ebay yesterday and I found an iwata hp-c air brush gun

it's sold in stores for about 300-399$
I got it for 157

I'm pretty stoked on this, all I need is a 30 dollar piece that they sell at the art store so I don't have to keep adjusting the nozzle

so I don't mind being a little broke, not that I will be anyways I will have enough to get by
on the 15 I might buy an air compressor so next month I will start to air brush, I have a few things I want to get done

oh and I found this couple rather amusing, I hope I'm never like that
soo funny, and gross hahah

Friday, April 21, 2006

so I own this
it's just waiting for paypal to take it out of my account

can't wait to get my new wallet
my other one has a huge hole, and loosing money isn't cool

so yeah

I get antsy about where my money goes sometimes
and I hate spending money, but at the same time I love it
air brush
and I'm spending money like a mad man in london
I can't wait, it's only a week away

I think I'm going to be addicted to ebay... not good!

I guess money comes and goes

there are better things to enjoy
the ones who love you the most

I'm listening to the smith's right now
pretty stoked on this band, so good, I recommend
anyways I'm off to sleep I've been very tired lately
and our work lost a good employee, two to be exact, now I'm going to have to work with 4 douche bags
and my boss has a sneaky suspicion that I'm quitting, but I always try to steer him away from those thoughts
I want to hit him when he least suspects it
but I know he's always one step ahead of me, I just have to be careful

anyways wish me luck finding a job
and wish my brother luck cause he needs one more then I do

peace out

Thursday, April 20, 2006

went bowling and yes, I won HAHAHA
graeme always rubs it in my face well buddy it's time for me to rub it all over the interweb MUAHAHAH

good times today I must say

I felt like taking a picture of myself for my friend who requested one but she already got it anyways here's me

waka waka waka

k tomorrow is mod night anyone want to join
be there ;)

and if anyone is interested and knows me
I might go biking saturday
come join!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

well today I started to work on the other part of the ship
the canon!!!!
haha yeah one is going on the left and the other on the right, I don't know I hope it turns out good, I'm kinda hard on myself...
I'm trying to decide if I should buy an airbrush kit or pay off debt....
I hate descisions
anyways here is part of it

as well I bought some tracing paper, man it's sooo thin, thinner then the one I had before :\ feels like it'll rip haha, but it's good for tracing I don't need as much light as I do when I'm using my over head projecter (used as tracing table, kinda of a cheap man made table) but those things are expensive

anyways here is my roll I'm proud of

and check out how thin it is

anyways I should be sleeping I was pretty tired today, didn't go to the gym at all cause we had to move this girls furniture to her new place (by the way I work at this company called easy home it's a rent to own furniture and we rip people off so much it's stupid interest is like 29%, you end up paying double and the only reason people rent from us is cause they have shitty credit and they definatley need a big screen... instead of bettering their financial needs....) so yeah I had to move all this crap, and I was sooo tired she has the craziest account 19 items pending, and she has other crap she's paid off, been with the company for 10 years
anyways she was being such a bitch telling our boss that we were at mcdonalds and not moving stuff, which was total bullshit. I don't know what she was trying to pull....

Anyways I didn't go to the gym cause of this, so I was kind of upset
but I did end up getting my gear from my friend matt, who had it at his place, I got all my gear at my house 2 cabs my bass head, my bass, my rack mount stuff yay. He wants me to play in a band that wants to tour.... I don't know I have to wait until I hear this music, I don't want to play music that's gonna make me look bad, I want people to ask me to join bands which is good, cause I mean in a way they think I have something to offer and I'm not a crappy bass player, so that's great I dig, but I'm not going to play in a band just cause. It's been a while since I played by the way, last band I played in was stand strong, umm that was 4 years ago, and I've been itching to play since. Seems like winnipeg has a lack of talent, or people are either too busy to want to start a band, with the scene here it's like kids just want to play garbage that's being reproduced over and over and over, screamo crap with fancy hair do's, I'm not into this sort of thing. I feel weird being in a hardcore band now, since 4 years ago, I kinda wanted to stay away from hc mainly cause it's attracted kids with jaded mentality, judgemental, everyone is out to say something shitty about the other person, of course though you do have the occasional person who's genuine but there are more assholes then true people. I know that if I start this band people will be like oh braulio is playing a hc band, I thought he got kicked our something (which by the way I didn't, and I don't know where they got that garbage from).
Anyways more information to come on these bands that I'm in
appearntly 3
with matt
one with jasdave (hc)
and one with graeme - we are doing some experimental stuff, this is my main band

so to close this off
I'm listening to arsis which is rather amazing!!!
so I recomend you guys take a gander

p.s. I hope I win this item off ebay

my wallet has a huge hole on it and I lost a good amount of bills, 20$ so yeah I want this darn thing

Monday, April 17, 2006

playing with fire

well today was a pretty eventful day
even though I didn't have an easter meal with anyone, I did spend some quality time with friends
first I cleaned my room
then I talked to my friend ruth for like 3 or 4 hours hahah
we talk about anything, it's quite the awesome relationship I love it, I never get bored
then I seshed it up
my brother let me borrow his digi cam which is pretty rad of him
so here are some pics

that's me doing a bs 180, my friend josh wasn't good with the click of the button so he didn't get the right timing but you get the point I guess
here's another one

yeah then after all this
I went to my friend jay's bonfire

that's him putting on the fire, and his dog (apolo) don't know if there is on L or not
I dunno anywho here are more

adam haha funny guy

fire!! whoa

here's the group (lbc)
haha good times graeme had to work early in the morning so he didn't make it

but anyways that's my day today

hope most of you had an eventful day
if anyone knows me, give me some chocolates cause I didn't get any

Sunday, April 16, 2006


keep yourself entertained

this is just the process
I'm a bit of a messy painter oh well what can you do everyone's got their own style

cops and robbers

I almost got arrested today
for what you ask?
hmm this may sound stupid
well it is stupid
we came out of the round table (restaurant) and we were in the parking lot, just dicking around, jay said he could do lunges while Iwas on top of him, so he tried to pick me up and graeme gave me a wedgie and my underoos ripped pretty badly, so so they ripped it off, and the cops come by and they were like, what the fuck ar eyou guys doing? I go, umm they gave me a wedgie, and he took all our id's so we waited, cracked a few jokes, the guy came back from his cruiser, and he started being an asshole, he asked jay how he was getting home, he said "driving the car" the cop was like where's the vehicle he pointed to it and the cop asked him, is it yours, and he said no it's my friend adam's car, then the cop, goes stop being a fucking smart ass, just answer the question
total asshole
then he goes you guys better leave or I'm arresting you, as he's pointing to me, what a fucking tool I hate fucking dumb asses like this tool

I'm gonna get arrested for getting a atomic wedgie?!
this is where our tax dollars are going, so cops can be power trip assholes

Friday, April 14, 2006


k so I bought the real deal water color paperuumm the one I had was too spongy more of a blotting paperno leaks, no smears, yayI also bought new water colors, 21 for this small set, I was going to buy the liquid kind but everytime I squeese those tubes, I squeeze out too much
so things should go smoothlyI was thinking of putting some blue on the the black aroundthe ship, kinda like clouds, but I don't want to fuck it up
anyways I bought some clothes yesterday finallyI have money to buy some nice things, I'm sick of these debts, but soon enough I'll be out of debt
anyways today I skate with friendbut before that I'm going to jam wiht graeme yay that sort of rhymed

Thursday, April 13, 2006


well as some of you may know I did win a contest
by macbeth contest was to win a trip to london, at first when they called me I thought it was a joke, and I didnt' seem too impressed by the whole thing, it actually hasn't kicked in probably will when I hop on the plane. I'm pretty happy about this whole thing, I never won anything in my life at all, even for dinky little contest in schools, so this is big!

yeah the ataris are playing, I'm pretty happy about that as well and mainly to see angels and airwaves, it's weird that the drummer from offspring is in this band... :
anyways yeah I'm going to spend most of my money buying clothing, for my brother my friends
oh and I feel extra crappy I couldn't take my best bud
so I will be going with my friend jay and we'll be taking lots of pictures

so I've been thinking hard about this $719 purchase

I'm going to finance it but hmm I don't know the best thing that will come of this is me and graeme will start recording in hopes to start a band or do something, last thing I want is for this to collect dust, but then I again I can sell it on ebay....

what else to say
I'm off to pick up my passport tomorrow
going to pick up some water color paper
and possibly skate
hang out with my friends late night cause I have friday off
so here's to having a good time


Tuesday, April 11, 2006

great day

well today has been good
here are some pictures

on my way to do some deleveries
stopped by the dam

got the sweetest call today on my way back to the store
the things she said
I can't wait one day
smile from ear to ear

I never dreamt it'd be this way
I've lost any chance for me to say
To say that I miss you, say that I love you
Will someone please tell me I'm okay

I wasn't prepared for what's to come
A life made of memories gone so young
And now I'm regretting all I've done
But in your heart know that I'm with you all along

Wherever you go, I will be waiting
Whenever you call, I will be there
Whatever it takes, I'll make your darkest days so bright
I'm in your heart tonight

I never thought that this could go
And take me away from all I know
And leave me to think I'm on my own
But your love will take me, you were the one...

...Who sat through nights
You held me tight
And made sure I'm okay
And I thank you for the love you gave to me

Wherever you go, I will be waiting
Whenever you call, I will be there
Whatever it takes, I'll make your darkest days so bright
I'm in your heart tonight...


Wherever you go, I will be waiting
Whenever you call, I will be there
Whatever it takes, I'll make your darkest days so bright
Wherever you go, I will be waiting
Whenever you call, I will be there
Whatever it takes, I'll make your darkest days so bright
And if I should fall, I know you're waiting
And if I should call, I know you're there
If ever you cry just know
I'm in your heart tonight...
I'm in your heart tonight.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

New times

I don't know where to begin

I'm sure you'll have fun reading about my life
I'll post something, right now I'm not in the mood