Sunday, April 23, 2006

So basically this is how it's going to look I do'nt know what to think... I hope it turns out good...
I like it spider webs are neat. Despite this somewhat crappy weekend (not doing much on saturday, I stayed in all day) and today I just didn't have a good skate session, I bailed soo many times my body can't handle falling like this anymore, coming home to paint made it better. I was supposed to jam on saturday with these guys, but they seem so unorganized I don't even think I want to do it, music isn't my thing anymore.
I have a few more days until I leave for london, I'm excited, before I leave I'd like to hang out with some people hope that works out. And before I leave I'd like to apply to as many jobs as I can.
Wish me luck!

And post a comment regarding my painting, good or bad I don't care

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