Wednesday, April 19, 2006

well today I started to work on the other part of the ship
the canon!!!!
haha yeah one is going on the left and the other on the right, I don't know I hope it turns out good, I'm kinda hard on myself...
I'm trying to decide if I should buy an airbrush kit or pay off debt....
I hate descisions
anyways here is part of it

as well I bought some tracing paper, man it's sooo thin, thinner then the one I had before :\ feels like it'll rip haha, but it's good for tracing I don't need as much light as I do when I'm using my over head projecter (used as tracing table, kinda of a cheap man made table) but those things are expensive

anyways here is my roll I'm proud of

and check out how thin it is

anyways I should be sleeping I was pretty tired today, didn't go to the gym at all cause we had to move this girls furniture to her new place (by the way I work at this company called easy home it's a rent to own furniture and we rip people off so much it's stupid interest is like 29%, you end up paying double and the only reason people rent from us is cause they have shitty credit and they definatley need a big screen... instead of bettering their financial needs....) so yeah I had to move all this crap, and I was sooo tired she has the craziest account 19 items pending, and she has other crap she's paid off, been with the company for 10 years
anyways she was being such a bitch telling our boss that we were at mcdonalds and not moving stuff, which was total bullshit. I don't know what she was trying to pull....

Anyways I didn't go to the gym cause of this, so I was kind of upset
but I did end up getting my gear from my friend matt, who had it at his place, I got all my gear at my house 2 cabs my bass head, my bass, my rack mount stuff yay. He wants me to play in a band that wants to tour.... I don't know I have to wait until I hear this music, I don't want to play music that's gonna make me look bad, I want people to ask me to join bands which is good, cause I mean in a way they think I have something to offer and I'm not a crappy bass player, so that's great I dig, but I'm not going to play in a band just cause. It's been a while since I played by the way, last band I played in was stand strong, umm that was 4 years ago, and I've been itching to play since. Seems like winnipeg has a lack of talent, or people are either too busy to want to start a band, with the scene here it's like kids just want to play garbage that's being reproduced over and over and over, screamo crap with fancy hair do's, I'm not into this sort of thing. I feel weird being in a hardcore band now, since 4 years ago, I kinda wanted to stay away from hc mainly cause it's attracted kids with jaded mentality, judgemental, everyone is out to say something shitty about the other person, of course though you do have the occasional person who's genuine but there are more assholes then true people. I know that if I start this band people will be like oh braulio is playing a hc band, I thought he got kicked our something (which by the way I didn't, and I don't know where they got that garbage from).
Anyways more information to come on these bands that I'm in
appearntly 3
with matt
one with jasdave (hc)
and one with graeme - we are doing some experimental stuff, this is my main band

so to close this off
I'm listening to arsis which is rather amazing!!!
so I recomend you guys take a gander

p.s. I hope I win this item off ebay

my wallet has a huge hole on it and I lost a good amount of bills, 20$ so yeah I want this darn thing


Sanguchi said...

Sorry, I took your cash to buy a new camera.

xbrauliox said...

a 20 dollar camera?