this year, well this year a lot of people have sold out (straight edge) one of my friends sold out and I don't really care if people do and it doesn't bother me in the least bit but when I found out that this one friend of mine did, I kinda got upset I don't know why, maybe it's because I really thought he would stand to it, but it's his life and not mine just weirded me out
I don't know how long I'll be doing this for, could be for a while, if any choice I did make I'd want my friends to respect me like always, and I know jay and adam are waiting for that day hahah
I just can't see myself doing it
oh welll that's just my little ramble
it snowed today and it was painful to watch, I really hate snow and I hate being cold, waking up in a cold room then trying to take a shower and shivering, then going outside your feet are cold and sometimes soggy from the snow melting through your shoes, cold wind gusting through your ears, rosey cheeks, getting sniffles, teeth clattering cause it's sooo cold!!! -48 degrees weather
AWWW I don't want this to be here I wish I lived in a warmer place
but there are things to look forward to I guess, gotta make light of bad things, hmm like going tobbaganing and umm I dunno snow ball fights... making snow men (not that I do that but I guess it's nice to see things like that around) winter flings... hot chocolate
shit like that I guess
I will take pictures this winter though, however I have been drawing and I stopped because I couldn't find my black prism pencil crayon and that gets used the most, I will go tomorrow to buy some art supplies and get back in the waggon on the art deal.
as well as get that custom broker job that I've been waiting for HAH
save money for my big trip to the eastern part of the country