Thursday, May 11, 2006


why oh why is it so hard to find a job in this city
a job that pays decent, I feel like I'm running into walls going no where, it's hard to find a job, and the job I'm at is horrible, my boss favors these two new girls, well one of them the most, why? cause she's cute, and I get blamed for everything even things I don't do, for example the new girl got into a car accident the other day, she side swiped a vehicle to the right of her because she was trying to turn into the right lane and she didn't see the car, took out her left mirror and scuffed up the green auto mobile. So the next day my boss, was trying to blame this on me, "why didn't you help her look?! what were you doing?!
geez I didn't think that I would have to be the driver's eye at all costs
what did I have to say about this? nothing, why? cause I have bills to pay, my boss is a total dick, and the way I get treated is stupid, I can't wait until I quit, it'll be splendid to say "here is my two week notice" TAKE THIS JOB AND SHOVE IT! heheh
so wish me luck on finding a job, I checked my phone and I have applied at 24 places in a span of a week PLEASE HIRE ME I'm a very skilled man

let's be positive now

I hate the fact that I'm so close to something, I know I can have it, but I can't (confusing yes)
do what your heart tells you braulio!

this morning I was sooo happy
I woke up to something beautiful
I know you'll read this and I'm sure you know who you are

a request was made
to see me in my uniform hehe
ok so here's before and after

notice the pen in the breast pocket, genius
I hate my job!

anyways after work today I went to the gym then I headed over to my friend's place alyson she wanted me to see her new kitten
he's adorable a big ol furball

speaking of pets, I called this lady who breed chihuahua's and she said in the fall 600 dollars for one, I will save my pennies and buy me one I want a dog so watch out a big burly guy with a pansy dog

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